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Estar Rides

New Year Goals with Electric Scooter

How to Set New Year Goals with Your Electric Scooter or Bike: Exploring More, Reducing Carbon Footprint

Discover how to set and achieve New Year goals with your electric scooter. Explore more while reducing your carbon footprint. The start of a new year is an excellent time to set personal and environmental goals. If you’re an urban commuter with an electric scooter or bike, you’re already on the path to a more eco-friendly lifestyle. Here’s how you can leverage this sustainable mode of transport to achieve your New Year resolutions, explore more of your city, and significantly reduce your carbon footprint.

Rethink New Year Goals for Your Daily Commute with an Electric Scooter

Transforming your daily commute can be the first step in a larger commitment to reducing your environmental impact. Consider mapping out new routes with your electric scooter ride or bike that are more scenic or peaceful. This not only adds variety to your daily routine but can also expose you to parts of your city you’ve never experienced before. Try taking paths along parks or water bodies to inject a moment of tranquility into your busy day.

Rethink New Year Goals for Your Daily Commute with an Electric Scooter

Set Exploration New Year Goals with Electric Scooter

One of the joys of using an electric scooter or bike is the freedom it offers. This year, why not set a goal to visit all the landmark sites in your city? Create a checklist of spots you’ve meant to visit—from historical landmarks to popular eateries—and plan weekend explorations. Each trip not only adds excitement to your weekends but also increases your familiarity with the city’s layout and hidden gems.

Participate in Local Clean-ups

Many communities host clean-up events to keep local parks, beaches, and streets clean. Participating in these events can be more rewarding and feasible on your electric scooter or bike, allowing you to cover more ground quickly and help in more areas in less time. This community involvement is a fantastic way to meet like-minded individuals while contributing positively to your city’s environment.

Optimize Your Electric Vehicle

Ensuring your electric scooter or bike is operating at peak efficiency is crucial for maximizing its environmental benefits. Here are some key areas to focus on:

Battery Care

  • Regularly check battery health: Use a reliable tool to check the battery status, and ensure its fully charged before long trips.
  • Avoid complete discharges: To prolong battery life, avoid letting it run completely flat. Try to recharge it before it dips below 20% capacity.
  • Store in a cool, dry place: Battery longevity is also affected by storage conditions. Keep your scooter or bike in an area that avoids extreme temperatures.


  • Maintain proper tire pressure: Keeping tires inflated to the correct pressure not only reduces the risk of punctures but also improves battery efficiency by lowering rolling resistance.
  • Inspect tires regularly: Look for signs of wear or damage, as compromised tires can drastically affect performance and safety.
  • Consider tire upgrades: For frequent riders, investing in higher-quality tires can offer better grip and durability, enhancing the riding experience and safety.

Join a Riding Group: New Year Goals with Electric Scooter

Joining a riding group can significantly enhance your experience with your electric scooter or bike. These groups often consist of fellow enthusiasts who share a passion for eco-friendly commuting and exploring urban landscapes. By becoming a member, you not only gain a regular schedule for outings but also benefit from the collective knowledge of the group. This can include tips on maintenance, recommendations for the best routes, and advice on upgrades. Group rides are also a great social outlet, providing an opportunity to meet new people and share experiences. Additionally, riding in a group can increase your visibility on the road, making your travels safer. Many groups also organize events or challenges, which can add a fun, competitive element to your rides.

Join a Riding Group New Year Goals with Electric Scooter

Volunteer for Deliveries

Volunteering for deliveries using your electric scooter or bike is a meaningful way to give back to the community while utilizing the benefits of your eco-friendly vehicle. Many organizations, especially food banks and shelters, often need help delivering supplies to those in need, particularly in urban areas where navigating traffic can be challenging. Your electric scooter or bike is perfect for these tasks because it allows you to maneuver through city streets quickly and efficiently, bypassing traffic jams and avoiding the parking hassles associated with cars. By volunteering, you not only contribute to a good cause but also increase your daily physical activity in a manageable way.

Advocate for Better Infrastructure

Advocating for better infrastructure when it comes to electric scooters and bikes can play a pivotal role in enhancing urban mobility and safety. Improved infrastructure can include the development of dedicated bike lanes, better parking facilities, and smoother road surfaces that are more accommodating to smaller wheels. By engaging in local governance, such as attending city council meetings or participating in planning commissions, you can voice the need for these changes. Joining or forming advocacy groups focused on non-motorized transportation can also amplify your voice. These groups often work collectively to lobby for changes that make urban environments safer and more enjoyable for electric scooter and bike users.

Reflect and Adjust Regularly

Finally, it’s important to periodically review the goals you’ve set. Adjust them as needed to stay aligned with your lifestyle changes and environmental impact. This could mean setting higher goals as you become more comfortable with longer rides or exploring new aspects of your city that you’ve discovered through your travels.

Setting goals with your electric scooter or bike not only benefits your personal health and enjoyment but also contributes significantly to urban sustainability efforts. By embracing these goals, you can enjoy your city in new ways while knowing you’re making a positive impact on the environment.


As you embark on setting New Year goals with your electric scooter or bike, remember that your choices can significantly enhance both your personal wellbeing and the environment. By rethinking your daily commute, exploring new parts of the city, and participating in community clean-ups, you’re not only enriching your own life but also contributing to a cleaner, greener urban space. Optimizing your vehicle’s performance through diligent battery care and tire maintenance ensures that you travel efficiently and safely.

Additionally, by joining riding groups and advocating for improved infrastructure, you foster a sense of community and support structures that benefit all urban commuters. Ultimately, these efforts allow you to maximize the benefits of your electric scooter or bike, making your eco-friendly choice a cornerstone of a sustainable lifestyle. Let this year be a transformative one where you not only achieve your goals but also inspire others to consider how small, consistent changes can lead to substantial environmental benefits.